Six Tips to Help Your Students Develop Stress Management Techniques

By Huntington Learning Center

School can be stressful – and this year, the adjustment to remote learning is making it even more so for many students. How can you help your students develop good stress management techniques to make this year the best it can be? Here are several tips:

  1. Encourage the routine. A daily school and homework routine minimizes wasted time and procrastination, which are key causes of stress for students of all ages. Teach your students that establishing a set routine is the best way to take ownership of school and be successful.
  2. Develop an organizational system. Poor organization leads to lost work and unnecessary chaos. Show your students how you expect them to keep their binders and files organized and offer suggestions on how to keep up that system at home.
  3. Insist on planner use. The planner is a student’s essential companion. Have your students get theirs out at the start of class to jot down assignments, due dates, and other notes.
  4. Teach good study skills. Unfortunately, study skills don’t come naturally to most students. Offer guidance on how students should learn and retain material with repeated review sessions and other study tools and techniques. Remind students of the pitfalls that will hinder their success, including cramming and procrastination.
  5. Tell students that asking for help is okay. Stress is a very normal part of life but can be debilitating if not managed well. Remind your students that their health and well-being are essential to their happiness and success in school. Share the importance of reaching out to you or one of the school guidance counselors if they’re ever feeling panicked, sad, or overwhelmed.
  6. Share good ways to cope with stress. Good habits and routines will help your students tremendously, but it’s smart for all students to have a few methods of reducing stress when needed. A few proven stress reducers to share with your students include exercise, meditation, positive visualization, positive self-talk, and slow breathing. Reach out to your school psychologist to get ideas or handouts to give to your students.

The better your students deal with stress, the easier school will be for them – even when challenges arise. Help your students cultivate these stress management skills now so they are prepared for college and beyond.