Huntington Connects

Showing 1-3 results of 3 articles matching "college-prep"

What Students Need to Know About Advanced Placement Exams

Oct. 09, 2019

Many high school students are probably aware of the terms “Advanced Placement®” or “AP®,” and of course, those taking AP® classes understand that the courses offer a challenge for high-achieving students.

4 Essential Ways to Help Your High School Students Get Ready for College

Feb. 27, 2019

It is the job of every high school teacher to prepare students for college. Of course, you must teach your students the grade-level content knowledge they need to progress in your subject, but there are other important aspects of developing college-ready students.

Building Your Students’ Problem-Solving Skills

Jan. 22, 2019

Like life, school is a journey filled with twists and turns. Problems arise, but students who learn to confront them early will be happier and more resilient as they approach college and the real world. Here is a framework to help you build your students’ problem-solving skills.

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