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Blogs for Educators

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

Tips to Integrate Social and Emotional Learning into Your Teaching

Social skills are an essential part of life. The ability to empathize and communicate with others helps students with things like self-advocacy, working in teams and contributing to group projects. You can build these skills by starting small. Here are a few ways to integrate social emotional learning into your teaching.

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What Kind of Math is Most Predictive of Students’ Long-term Learning?

When children are elementary school students, learning basic math concepts is important. Those building block skills help students progress from concept to concept, lesson to lesson, and grade to grade in mathematics. But if you’ve wondered which elementary school students will be the most successful in math in high school, keep reading. A research study published in Psychological Science shares that certain math knowledge at a younger age is a good indicator of a student’s success in high school math

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Helping Students Become Math Thinkers

During the month of April, Huntington Learning Center is celebrating Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month, which strives to increase the understanding and appreciation of mathematics and statistics. Both play a significant role in addressing real-world problems facing our society, including internet security, sustainability, disease, climate change, the data deluge and more.  

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Four Tips for Struggling Readers

Do you have a struggling reader (or several) in your class? Reading troubles are common, but they must be corrected. Students who have difficulty reading often have problems in other subjects too—and can experience diminished self-esteem and motivation. It’s important to help these students overcome their reading challenges sooner than later. Here are several tips to help them.

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What is Inquiry-Based Learning and How Should You Use it in Your Classroom?

Have you explored inquiry-based learning? This student-centered approach engages students in their own learning by encouraging them to ask questions, explore, think and discuss.

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Midyear IEP Checklist

With the school year half over, it’s a good time to touch base with any parents of students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Although it’s not necessary to review these with parents every semester, it can be worthwhile if you have concerns or just want to make sure parents are in the loop about their child’s performance and behavior in your classroom.

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