Huntington Connects

Blogs for Educators

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

What is the Chunking Method of Teaching?

At Huntington Learning Center, we have long embraced the chunking method in our tutoring programs. What exactly is chunking? Put simply, this is a teaching strategy where larger, more complex topics are broken down into smaller units or “chunks.”  

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Tips For Teaching Multiplication to Elementary Students

Mastering multiplication requires both memorization and comprehension of strategy. Here are a few tips for helping your elementary students build a solid foundation.

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If you have taught students with special needs before, you’re familiar with the Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP is a requirement for every student receiving special education services and is the blueprint for teachers, parents and other school personnel to help each student receive a quality education. Here’s what goes into the IEP, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

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Fostering Good Organizational Habits in the Classroom

Organization doesn’t come naturally to many students, but it is the foundation for school success. Here are several tips to build routines into your classroom that help your students develop their organizational habits.

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Tips to Teach Students to Focus on Learning Not Performance

When it comes to school, grades are the end result of students’ effort and the thing that many students and parents focus on the most. But your objective as a teacher is to help your students learn. That means helping them acquire the knowledge they need to succeed in your class and beyond, achieve grade-level standards and be prepared for the next grade.  

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Education Technology in 2022: What You Need to Know

The coronavirus pandemic brought about rapid changes in education, including the adoption of technologies to make virtual and remote learning possible and effective. Many of these advancements are here to say, but what is on the horizon as technology continues to evolve?

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