Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 10 articles matching "college"

Setting Your Middle School Student on the Right High School Academic Track

Oct. 12, 2021

Registering for classes in high school might sound simple, but choosing the right classes is essential. Here are four tips for parents of middle school students looking ahead to high school or freshmen thinking ahead to college.

Seven Ways College is Different From High School

Dec. 11, 2020

College is very different from high school. But how exactly? Here are seven of the biggest ways that the two differ to make your teen aware of.

Five Tips from Huntington Learning Center on Filling Out College Applications

Nov. 26, 2019

There’s a lot for students to do when it comes to preparing to go to college. Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center reminds parents that the volume of to-dos increases substantially. As teens near the time when they need to submit applications, she offers five tips for working on those college applications.

What You Need to Know about SAT Adversity Score

Jul. 25, 2019

Wondering what exactly to expect regarding the Adversity Score (also known as the Adversity Index)? Huntington discusses the three different components.

Five Essential Tools for your Teen’s Off-to-College “Toolbox”

Jul. 12, 2019

When it comes to packing, he or she may be focused on dorm décor and clothes, but there are a number of other intangible items your teen will want to remember to bring along when he or she begins the college journey.

Guiding Your Teen During the College Admission Process

Jun. 20, 2019

Whether your teen is knee-deep in college viewbooks and applications or he or she is just beginning to explore his or her college options, the college admission process can easily instill fear and anxiety in the calmest of parents and teens.

The Importance of Personalized SAT/ACT Test Prep

May. 21, 2019

When it comes to teens preparing for success on the SAT or ACT, here’s something parents need to know: not all test prep programs are created equal.  And one of the most important things parents should look for when evaluating companies that deliver test prep courses is whether the program meets students’ distinct needs.

Helping Your Teen Approach the College Search Process

Mar. 05, 2019

College planning is a highly involved process. If you and your teen are feeling overwhelmed by the many aspects of this important decision, it’s best to take a deep breath and remember: one step at a time.

Dos and Don’ts for College Admissions Interviews

Oct. 02, 2018

It’s college application time and your teen has taken the SAT or ACT, kept up his or her grades, written a stellar essay and completed all college applications. There is one more piece to the college admissions puzzle that could potentially gain your teen the acceptance he or she seeks: the college admissions interview. “Not all colleges require a college admissions interview, but many of the competitive institutions do, as do some colleges’ departments or schools that require secondary admission,” says Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center. “The admissions interview intimidates many prospective students, but we encourage them to approach this as an opportunity to put a face to a name, make a good impression and articulate face-to-face why they would be a great student at the college.”

Huntington offers a few tips to students as they prepare for the college admissions interview:

Six Skills Your Teen Needs for College Readiness

Aug. 07, 2018

If your teen is headed to college soon, it’s important to make sure he or she is prepared. College classes are a big step up from high school classes in terms of rigor and expectations, and your teen must have a range of aptitudes and habits to do well.

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