Huntington Connects

Showing 11-19 results of 19 articles matching "general-education"

The Top Five Books for Parents of Children with ADHD

Dec. 02, 2019

Parenting a child with ADHD can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, there is a sea of resources out there for parents. Dr. Mary Rooney shares what she's found to be the best books, podcasts, and TEDTalks out there for parents of kids and teens with ADHD. 

Is it Okay for My Child with ADHD to Lose Recess as Punishment at School?

Oct. 21, 2019

The benefits of free play and physical activity during the school day are undeniable. Yet, despite increased awareness about the positive impact of recess on physical, emotional, and cognitive functioning, I continue to hear from parents that their child is losing recess as a punishment at school.

Are Concussion Effects More Severe in Youths with ADHD?

Sep. 23, 2019

Recent studies suggest that youths with ADHD may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of concussions and may require additional monitoring and follow-up care.

Finish Homework Faster by Building Breaks into Homework Time

Sep. 16, 2019

ADHD and homework mix about as well as oil and water. The biggest challenge is typically the extreme amount of time it takes kids with ADHD to get their homework completed. Here are some helpful ways to make homework time less stressful.

Why You Shouldn’t “Wait and See” When it Comes to Kids with ADHD

Mar. 25, 2019

When parents have concerns about their child’s behavior or academic performance, they are often told by friends, family, teachers, and doctors that they should “wait and see” if things improve before seeking professional help. When there are persistent behavior challenges at home or at school, like difficulty following basic rules, difficulty getting along with classmates or teachers, oppositional behavior, or difficulties with focus or completing schoolwork, then a wait-and-see approach is not helpful and could even be harmful to kids who may have ADHD

Does Your Child Have Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Feb. 11, 2019

Kids with ADHD are often labeled as having “behavior challenges,” which usually means that their behavior is more difficult for teachers, parents, and peers to cope with than it is for kids without ADHD. They may also have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (or ODD). In fact, up to 40% of kids with ADHD also meet diagnostic criteria for ODD.

Is Extended Time on Tests Helpful for Kids with ADHD?

Dec. 31, 2018

When kids and teens with ADHD qualify for accommodations at school, either through and IEP or 504 Plan, extended time on exams is often one of the academic accommodations provided. Is this as beneficial as we think?

Tips for Managing ADHD in the Classroom: Helping Students Stay Organized

Nov. 05, 2018

While it may appear that a disorganized child with ADHD is careless or sloppy, often these students care very much about their materials and wish they could have a neat desk like their classmates. The problem is that the executive functioning skills required for organization are underdeveloped, making it almost impossible for them to maintain an organized desk and work area on their own.

Tips for Managing ADHD in the Classroom: Transitioning Between Activities

Oct. 15, 2018

Transitioning smoothly from one activity or setting to another can be very challenging for students with ADHD. Somewhat surprisingly, difficulty managing transitions is actually one of the least talked about problems associated with ADHD, yet it is at these times of the day that students with ADHD are typically the most disruptive or emotional.

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